
Day Job

At my day job at Miro I’m an Engineering Manager. I work from the office basically every day.

I use my company-issued MacBook Pro “14, 2022 (M1). At the office, use a Apple Magic Mouse and the standard wireless Apple Keyboard with an ultra-wide Samsung monitor that would never be able to afford or accommodate myself.

I really like handwritten notes but I hate writing them up. When I’m making notes by hand, I don’t use a bound notebook any more. I use notepads with tear away pages. At the moment I’m writing my notes digitally, using the Obsidian markdown note editor knowledge-base thingy. One type of note I keep is a daily agenda that I write at the end of the previous day.It’s just headings of the projects I’m working on with a bullet pointed list of stuff to work through. Writing it at the end of the workday helps me empty my mind of work when I go home, and reading it in the morning feels like loading a condensed version of yesterday’s work brain again.

I’m on MacOS Big Sur. The apps I have open all day every day are Safari, Chrome, Mail, Slack, Apple Music, Terminal, Notes, Reminders, and Calendar. My passwords are all managed through 1Password and some work logins are managed by IT through Okta.

I used to use Bash to keep things simple but since MacOS started defaulting to Zsh I switched over to itI use Vim with NERDtree for all of my development. Towards the end of 2020 I moved into a more management heavy role, which means less time in Terminal and more time in Obsidian and then Google Docs.

Daily Carry

My backpack is a black Patagonia Black Hole 32L, which I adore. My bike is a Hackney Cycles single-speed in black, which I hope is abundant and low value enough that it isn’t attractive to thieves.

Personal Tech

I’ve got a more detailed post about about this but in short: it’s a Hugo site that I keep changing the hosting for. In long: you’ll have to read here.