I've been placed into self-isolation, it's been three days now. A friend of mine who I saw last week got a test after some very low level symptoms and he tested positive. He feels horribly guilty for the cluster of people around him who are now in self-isolation, which goes to show how much of this situation has been laid on the consciences of individual people, wrongly. I've been doing okay so far. We've been playing Mario Odyssey and Ticket To Ride, and we baked a load of bread. I've never baked a loaf of bread before, even through the...
Gym and jolof
I woke up early and lay in bed for a while knowing Emma wanted a big lie in to catch up on sleep from a bad week. Eventually I got up and booked a slot at the gym and cycled there. I’ve been running less and going to the gym more, is that a more vain balance of exercise? Jay Rayner was back at the gym, and this time James Nesbitt was there too. I’ve told a couple of people this and I know that there’s nothing to care about but I still feel like I should do something with...
Walk directly into the sea
We slept unhappily and woke up wary aliens to one another. I shuffled downstairs for breakfast and coffee but there wasn't any milk. I'm known to shower first thing every morning, with stubborn regularity, but today I masochistically let the discomfort and sadness of yesterday fester on my skin and in yesterday's clothes, which I slipped back on to lay on the bed. The cat curled up against me as I started reading, creature next to stone golem. At midday we resolved to drive over to Richmond Park to run around it. Tying my shoes and looking out the window...
A quiet birthday
It’s Easter Sunday. We ran 10k, to the river and back; it was sunny and the paths up the banks were quiet. The residential streets were even quieter, though every house was full up with its residents. These’s no simple phrase to describe a street that is quiet in the sense of traffic coming and going, but packed with everybody who lives there being at home at once. Yesterday we celebrated a birthday by cooking and eating a lot of food, drinking, playing games, and getting high. The birthday girl’s parents surprised her by knocking on the door after having...