Links, September 2022
First I have a whole collection of maps. There's a map to show where in the world Wikipedia edits are coming from. There's a map that shows all the different kinds of planning boundaries that overlap the in Britain. There's an incredibly detailed weather map. Finally, here's a whole series of maps that examine how much various governments fudged their COVID-19 infection, hospitalisation, and mortality rates.
There are a couple of websites about making websites to share. First is this fun tool to make scrappy, zine-like websites for party invitations and so on. On the more technical side is a pleasingly from-first-principles guide to making your own website.
I like when you rankle a nerd of a particular flavour enough that they go off on an informative rant. Here is one such example in which a blogger dispels the erroneous factoid that The Epic of Gilgamesh is the oldest surviving work of fiction. It is, in fact, not.
The only thing tying these last two links together is the innate urge in humans to collect and make taxonomies. In the first case, a blogger shares his love for what he calls "vernacular photography", that is: snapping up family photos cast away into eBay auctions. The second is a Dirt newsletter edition about The Cari Institute, which creates taxonomies of "micro-aesthetics" such as "Corporate Grunge" and "Festival Marketplace".