
Not now

For the past few months the days have been long and dark. Somewhere in the middle there it snowed and it stuck for a couple of weeks, slowly hardening into sheet ice. We're through most of it now. Last week, in the courtyard behind the apartment the trees started to bud, and now there's sun enough to catch the green rippling along all their branches. Spring, maybe. In the dark months I kept my head down and worked. Ugly, stupid work. Pointless work. Now just as spring comes I'm sick. The other day I was in the office and I...

It's enough to make you crazy

The world is enough to make you crazy. The city is enough to make you crazy. The building is enough to make you crazy. The way lint builds up on the desk right in front of you, given enough of everything else, is enough to make you crazy. I've deliberately contracted in the past couple of years. I've tried to become less of a jangly ball of reactive nerve endings. I think I used to be a gaping maw that inhaled current affairs from near and far and exhaled analysis and anxiety. I try to do less of that. Touch...

Wartime reading

It feels like there's a lot of war going on. Whenever that happens I really feel my ignorance; it seems like if thousands of people are dying about something, I should understand what that something is. So here's what I've been reading lately about war. I didn't start reading Kaputt by Curzio Malaparte because of the present wars but because it was recommended to me by a friend. However, it's been instructive. Malaparte was a fascist, which gave him access to all kinds of people during WW2 who I haven't really seen close up before. Kaputt is a brilliant book...

Links, November 2023

Right now I am in England. It's the first time I've been back since we moved away to Germany and being here has immersed me back in some old themes... like the British class obsession. A little while ago I read Bright Young People, about a certain set of upper class enfants terribles who were the first of a kind of person that is now splashed all over Hello magazine. One of that set was Evelyn Waugh, who wrote a send up of the whole gang that I've just finished reading: Vile Bodies. The book is full of social climbers,...

Links, October 2023

First here's Sequel, which is one of those apps for tracking the stuff you watch and read and listen to, and the stuff you want to watch and read and listen to. I do a lot of that, and this app looks slick, but I probably won't switch to it because it's iOS only. For you, maybe that's perfect. I always wondered at how many tunnels snake their way through the soil in central London. I always thought: there's so many that the earth must be practically a sponge. This write up of a single development near Victoria train station...

Links, August 2023

While I claim that the reason I haven't emerged as the foremost British emigré writer of our times because I simply don't have time between watching movies and drinking beer: Franz Kafka wrote stories on the side, at night, when he was tired. Enjoy this profile not of his literature, but his day job: "I am more interested in his insurance affairs." A dragon guarded the literary estate of Borges and made anybody who wanted a part of it suffer. I think I love her. In shocking news that nobody could have predicted, it turns out that the women of...

Links, July 2023

I increasingly hate computers and the world inside them that my brain is trapped inside of. That said, here are some things about computers. Let's be practical, with another resource to get you to stop screwing up shell scripting. Once you've figured that out, why don't you train an AI homunculus to reflect your own neuroses back at you, and start a conversation? It's time for a vibe shift. The unfortunate truth is that the digital world is the real world is the digital world. Culture and reality do not reside cleanly in a single realm; they slosh back and...

Links, June 2023

I think I've given up on systems that organise the world, even the world right around me. Even so, it's nice to dream about a way of living where everything is fast, smooth, organised... easy. That's why I still look at consumer electronic products and software even though I have long accepted none of them will make me happy in an enduring way. Picture then, a world where everything (everything) I have is organised into numerical folder trees. Johnny Decimal, everybody. A fellow foe of the Grand Narratives that organise our collective consciousness is Roland Barthes, who as it turns...

BuzzFeed News

I'd like to pour one out for BuzzFeed News, which was unceremoniously taken behind the woodshed this month. I have shared my thoughts about my time at BuzzFeed, much of which was spent with the News division, and most of which was motivated by that division. Now they've finally gone and killed it, the most worthwhile thing that media corporation ever did. I have a lot of fun and messed up memories from my time at the Fun Internet Company. Those times are well and truly over, both at the personal level and the macro economic level. The backbiting merry-go-round...

Links, May 2023

First, whimsy. I like it when people do something that could have been straightforward and to the point, but instead they inject a little bit of charming madness in there, the unpredictable human touch. Here is a band website that is old fashioned, simple, and yet deeply weird. Give it a minute. Here is a clock website that shows an excerpt from a book for every minute of the day, a bit like my favourite film installation, The Clock by Christian Marclay. Here is a hand-curated archive of fictional brands that appear in media. Here is a man who invented...

Links, February 2023

Well, we moved to Germany (we know!), so I've been correcting some of my gaps in recent German history by reading the lengthy Wikipedia page on German reunification. In terms of online life, that's the only real giveaway that I've moved in the real world. The rest of the anglophone media roar rolls along as before with two notable edits. I've completely cut out the very high volume Westminster insider newsletter I used to read first thing every morning (why?) and I've generally reduced my intake of UK news to a minimum. In other non-English news, AI has been used...

Links, October 2022

First off, here's a DJ set I liked. Right now a lot of people are talking about leaving Twitter (here's mine). Many of those that go ahead with it and turning up in Mastodon (here's mine) and talking a big game about how the collapse of Twitter will beget a golden age for the decentralised internet. That's nice. I don't believe it's really going to be that simple, though. On the topic of decentralised internet things: the FBI seized the Z-lib ebook archive! That's a big pity given how hard it is to get ebooks without giving Amazon money. The...

Links, September 2022

First I have a whole collection of maps. There's a map to show where in the world Wikipedia edits are coming from. There's a map that shows all the different kinds of planning boundaries that overlap the in Britain. There's an incredibly detailed weather map. Finally, here's a whole series of maps that examine how much various governments fudged their COVID-19 infection, hospitalisation, and mortality rates. There are a couple of websites about making websites to share. First is this fun tool to make scrappy, zine-like websites for party invitations and so on. On the more technical side is a...

Links, August 2022

First I have this amazing oral history of the production of certain aspects of the video game Red Alert 3. Specifically the story is about how this incredible cut scene, starring Tim Curry as a high camp Soviet general blasting off into space, came to be. It's astonishingly detailed and manages to go far beyond "pretty funny clip". It talks about how casting and producing these little fragments of video for video games works. It answers the question of how in on the joke various parties are. Finally, it's a tribute to how much Tim Curry threw himself into the...