
Material 2024

Berlin, Germany

Here are some of the coolest posters I saw in the city this year. Here's the collection from last year.

Noguchi III

The Noguchi Museum, Queens

Noguchi II

The Noguchi Museum, Queens

Noguchi I

The Noguchi Museum, Queens

Material 2023

Berlin, Germany

Berlin has cash only bars, stickers to put over your phone's camera before you can come into the party, and a strong poster culture. The surfaces of the city are covered in a growing, shedding, and regenerating skin of posters. Most are good. Here are the ones I liked this year.

Links, May 2023

First, whimsy. I like it when people do something that could have been straightforward and to the point, but instead they inject a little bit of charming madness in there, the unpredictable human touch. Here is a band website that is old fashioned, simple, and yet deeply weird. Give it a minute. Here is a clock website that shows an excerpt from a book for every minute of the day, a bit like my favourite film installation, The Clock by Christian Marclay. Here is a hand-curated archive of fictional brands that appear in media. Here is a man who invented...

Lucian, Ann, Fred

So Popbitch (a very catty UK media gossip newsletter) reports that Fred Again's people have been trying to keep the fact that he is minor gentry out of his Wikipedia article. Fair enough. I understood his story to go as follows: young South London guy makes poppy dance songs during the pandemic, goes viral, becomes instant stadium-packing act once the restrictions lift, and boy he just can't believe his luck. Shucks! No doubt this narrative has been carefully shaped by him and his people, and the truth does endear me to him less. His daddy is a Baron and a...

Artemisia Gentileschi

— A Fuller Picture of Artemisia Gentileschi, Rebecca Mead in The New Yorker

Cambridge, UK

Cambridge, UK

Cambridge, UK


National Gallery


National Portrait Gallery


Musée Rodin, Paris

day. chez bojack.

National Portrait Gallery, London