Material 2024


berlin cities design music art posters germany

Here are some of the coolest posters I saw in the city this year. Here’s the collection from last year.

A poster for the New Heavy Shit rock night
New Heavy Shit playing on Karl-Marx Allee
Pink and black abstract event poster
Poster for the CTM festival, Berlin
Pink text over a photo of a lake
Oceanic Refractions installation at CTM
Poster for Kitkat reading Every Fucking Thursday Night
Regular Thursday nights at KitKat
Red borderd poster with an photo of an art fair
Die Wissen art fair
Poster with large text: worried as still no letters from you
Letters from the Kindertransport
A pastiche of the American Gothic painting where the couple are wearing sweaters that say Chill Mal Berlin
Chill Mal Berlin, posted on the Treptower Park underpass
Knocked Loose, with illustrated triptych artwork
Knocked Loose at Huxleys
Abstract shapes in orange and pink
Radial System festival
Die Sauna. Echt Heiss. Echt Finnish.
A sauna exhibit at the Finnish Embassy
Large vertical lettertype OST in purple
Utopia Europa at Haus der Kulturen der Welt
Authentic body control, people in yoga poses
Authentic body control, venue unspecified
Kollektives Versagen mit B6BBO
Fail Collective at Lido
Acid for the children, drawing of children on yellow background
Acid for the children, location by request
PDA, location via Telegram
PDA, location via telegram
Black metal writing on a black field
Elm Street at AEVE
Close up of ballet dancer's neck
William Forsythe at Staats Ballett Berlin
Ale Münze, Platz für Vielfalt und Multidiziplinär
A place for diversity and multidisciple at The Old Mint
Kalina Koch at Glogauer Str 21
Espace by Görli
Naomi 9 at Kantine am Berghain
Naomi 0 at Kantine am Berghain
Country festival, chickens
Country festival at the Polish bar
A ten of spades
How will Europe see it if the war in Ukraine lasts another year?
House of Underground at M01 Berlin
Underground techno at the Renate annex
Pinkified heavy metal poster
Gig at the Watefront of some kind, I ain't reading that
Pictures of boats on an orange poster
Partybar 3000
Perko on a moire field of black and white
Perko and friends Zur Klappe
Xposed Festival Berlin
Queer film at the indie Kinos
Red poster with large white abstract type
Kennedy Self at the Volksbühne
Large purple flower, G2U
Good 2 U
Overdrawn face
Buffalo girls won't you come out tonight
Felix the cat giving somebody a tattoo
A Better Way is doing a Flash Day
Distorted text on a yellow field
A L'Arme! at Radialsystem
Black background, Berlin Atonal
The noises are back
Yellow backtround with handdrawn lettering, Burst
Burst at Panke
Cartoon dog on a purple background, Elek
Elek on the sixth of the ninth
Psychadelic drawing of a many eyed man smoking
Counter-cinema at places I've never heard of
Painting of torsos, possibly swimming
Get out the vote poster, make your mark
80s style poster with a car
Rettenbach @ Duqo
Hast Du es wengistens versucht?
Have you at least looked for it?
Hand drawn newspaper front page called Paraneukölln
Paranoid x Neukölln
Synthetik at Club Ost, abstract 3D render
Synthetik @ Club Ost
White and red over wavy black bodies
Last Resort @ Panke
Spectral abstract, Toys
Fundraiser for the Rosa Rolling Safespace @ about://blank
A painting of hands holding a dynamite bomb
Method, a play @ Volksbühne
A tin man and magus in worn down Berlin, Flake feiert Weihnachten
The Flake record store celebrates Christmas
Forgive us our trespasses, hand-painted purple text
Forive Us Our Tresspasses, trangressive work @ HKW