
The prison inside prison

— The Prison Inside Prison, Michael Baranjas in The Texas Observer

Signs your story is classist

— Five signs your story is classist, Chris Winkle in Mythcreants

Evicted in the pandemic

— His Landlord Evicted Him During The Pandemic And Then Demanded $1,100 For Him To Get His Belongings, Vanessa Wong in BuzzFeed News

Chinese women's writing

— Women's writing: dead or alive, Victor Mair in Language Log

Judith Butler on JK Rowling and the trans culture war

— Judith Butler on the culture wars, JK Rowling and living in “anti-intellectual times”, Alona Ferber in The New Statesman

It's very hard to tear down a bridge

— Robert Caro Wonders What New York Is Going To Become , Christopher Robbins in Gothamist via Kottke

Noname Book Club

— Black Book Clubs From Oprah to Noname, Iman Stevenson in The New York Times

Pay discrimination at Pinterest

— Discrimination charges at Pinterest reveal a hidden Silicon Valley hiring problem, Katharine Schwab in Fast Company

You Want a Confederate Monument? My Body Is a Confederate Monument

— You Want a Confederate Monument? My Body Is a Confederate Monument, Caroline Randall Williams in The New York Times

British Slave Businesses

— There are British businesses built on slavery. This is how we make amends, Catherine Hall in The Guardian

Thandie Newton Profile

— Thandie Newton Is Finally Ready To Speak Her Mind, E. Alex Jung in Vulture

Michaela The Destroyer

— Michaela Coel's I May Destroy You' Will Tear You Apart, E. Alex Jung

Minneapolis Will Dismantle Its Police Force

— Minneapolis Will Dismantle Its Police Force, Council Members Pledge, Dionne Searcey and John Eligon in The New York Times

What a World Without Cops Would Look Like

— What a World Without Cops Would Look Like Mother Jones, Madison Pauly in Mother Jones

George Floyd Protester Relief Resources

I've been struggling to keep track of links to the relief funds established for Black Lives Matter activists across the USA who've been arrested, injured, or killed by the police. I'm throwing them up here, with sources linked at the end, to keep track of them for myself and for others who are struggling to pull them out of Twitter. For now, I've donated to the Brooklyn Bail Fund. There's now an even easier way to donate to a wider range of organisations fighting for this cause. Just make one larger donation on this page and it will be split...

American Police Departments

— 7 People Shot at Louisville Protest Over the Death of Breonna Taylor - The New York Times, Mike Baker in The New York Times — National Guard Called As Minneapolis Erupts in Solidarity for George Floyd, Matt Furber, John Eligon, and Audra D. S. Burch in The New York Times