
Archiving in an emergency

We wrote this guidance to help you decide whether to collect in relation to unprecedented or unforeseen situations and events. We recognise that people reading this guidance may be in challenging circumstances. Please know that you are not alone. You can reach out to the Archive Sector Leadership Team through asl@nationalarchives.gov.uk. You may find the health and wellbeing guidance from the Archive and Records Association helpful.

Local power and the social order

— American Genry, Patrick Wyman in Perspectives: Past, Present, and Future

Ellen More

— Ellen More, Wikipedia

This candle doesn't smell of anything

— Speculation: Scented Candle Ratings Down Due to Covid-19 Loss of Smell, Jason Kottke

The New York Public Library archives

— Keepers of the Secrets, James Somers in The Village Voice

The demographics of early UNIX users

— The Elements of Style: UNIX as Literature, Thomas Scoville

How I became a drag king in the Scottish folk scene

— To Feel Right, Amanda Chemeche in Popula

The daily paper in e-ink

— An updated daily front page of The New York Times as artwork on your wall, Alexander Klöpping

Why is there a cluster of tall buildings in the City of London?

— Why is there a cluster of tall buildings in the City of London?, in Diamond Geezer

Mask misinformation

— How a bizarre claim about masks has lived on for months, Olga Khazan in The Atlantic

Grapefruits are weird

— Grapefruit Is One of the Weirdest Fruits on the Planet, Dan Nosowitz in Atlas Obscura

Signs your story is classist

— Five signs your story is classist, Chris Winkle in Mythcreants

Evicted in the pandemic

— His Landlord Evicted Him During The Pandemic And Then Demanded $1,100 For Him To Get His Belongings, Vanessa Wong in BuzzFeed News

The Internet Is For End Users

— The Internet Is For End Users, Mark Nottingham in Internet Architecture Board RFCs

Artemisia Gentileschi

— A Fuller Picture of Artemisia Gentileschi, Rebecca Mead in The New Yorker

Chinese women's writing

— Women's writing: dead or alive, Victor Mair in Language Log

V. Krishna and the making of an English-Kannada dictionary

— Alar: The making of an open source dictionary, Kailash Nadh, CTO of Zerodha

A man's losses in the Oregon wildfires

— The desperate fight to save his family ends in tragedy, Capi Lynn in Statesman Journal

The New York Accent

— Tawk of the Town, Patricia T O' Conner in Literary Review

Judith Butler on JK Rowling and the trans culture war

— Judith Butler on the culture wars, JK Rowling and living in “anti-intellectual times”, Alona Ferber in The New Statesman

The data scientist who didn't have time to stop all the coups

— “I Have Blood On My Hands”: A Whistleblower Says Facebook Ignored Global Political Manipulation, Craig Silverman, Ryan Mac, and Pranav Dixit in BuzzFeed News

Ann Syrdal, Who Helped Give Computers a Female Voice

— Ann Syrdal, Who Helped Give Computers a Female Voice, Dies at 74, Cade Metz in The New York Times

The Universe Has Made Almost All the Stars It Will Ever Make

— The Universe Has Made Almost All the Stars It Will Ever Make, Caleb Schwarf in Nautilus

It's very hard to tear down a bridge

— Robert Caro Wonders What New York Is Going To Become , Christopher Robbins in Gothamist via Kottke